Manuscript Consultation

I love working one-on-one with other writers - if you’re looking for feedback on a story, essay, or other fiction or nonfiction manuscript, my goal is to help you develop your voice, characters, language, and theme, to get your work to that next level.

Please send me an email, TaraIsonWriter@gmail, and we can discuss!

  • "Tara brought clarity and direction to the otherwise chaotic process of writing my first memoir"

    “Working with Tara brought clarity and direction to the otherwise chaotic process of writing my first memoir. I found her feedback to be forthright but kind and always professional. Her editorial notes helped me to shape the book into a cohesive whole. Once I worked through Tara's notes I was able to finalize a manuscript that got the attention of an agent who later signed me and who is excited about the project. I won't thank Tara now because I plan to thank her in the books' acknowledgements once it is sold and published!”

    Dufflyn Lammers

  • "She has a way of peering into your characters' souls and nailing the central conflict of a novel"

    “Tara offered brilliant feedback on my third novel, Swimming with Ghosts. I teach fiction writing myself, so I have a special appreciation for Tara's unique skill set – she has a way of peering into your characters' souls and nailing the central conflict of a novel ( or short story, which she also helped with). For me, all else falls into place once I understand the emotional core of a story, which can take a while and which I often cannot see clearly enough without a second pair of eyes. Beyond Tara's psychological savvy, she offered invaluable technical advice. We nerded out on fiction techniques, and our conversations left me feeling like I'd just taken a master class on pov, characterization, and plot. She also pointed out some of my smaller writing tics. And she's kind and supportive, and that matters too.”

    Michelle Brafman

  • "She is a laser-focused reader who tells you straight up what is and isn’t working, why, and how you might consider revising"

    “Tara has been exceedingly helpful in my quest to revise several personal essays for publication. Her spot-on questions and comments throughout each manuscript pushed me to deepen my characters and their lives. They also prompted me to delve deeper into my interior life so that I could find and consistently convey the emotional core of each piece. Tara was happy to read revisions and she read each as if for the first time. She is a laser-focused reader who tells you straight up what is and isn’t working, why, and how you might consider revising. I highly recommend her services.”

    Jamie Holland, author of the novel The Lies We Tell

  • "Her recommendations are detailed, deep, and kind"

    “Tara Ison is a generous and insightful editor. She understands character and narrative and what drives a successful story. Her recommendations are detailed, deep, and kind. She is passionate about helping a writer realize the greatest potential of a project. I highly recommend Tara to any writer who is looking for a skilled and compassionate guide.”

    Robin Messing